Don't turn your back on the CAC
I have this habit of underestimating things after doing them once. For example, since my half marathon I've considered anything shorter "only" ten miles, even though every time I train I'm reminded that, like spray foam and wire hangers, the difficulty of a run always expands to fill the available space. Thus, while I was super excited about Team Virtus's Carnage at the Creek non race, I wasn't worried about being able to complete it. After all, I'd just come through 28 hours of the LBL Challenge with flying colors.
This misplaced confidence endured despite my status as a solo racer and well-documented navigational woes, facts which in no way dissuaded me from indulging in some friendly smack talk.

My cockiness was in no way commensurate with my skill, but I like to think that's part of its charm. After all, trash talk you can back up is just bragging, right? I made this bet fully expecting to lose, but then Chuck decided to race and suggested teaming up. Since Chuck is a kickass navigator and his presence would completely change the spirit of our competition (the absolute certainty of me losing), I checked with Todd first to make sure he'd be OK with the change.
Todd didn't mind, and somehow Chuck's participation resulted in me becoming entangled in more bets, so I headed west on Friday with a target on my back and a banana cream pie with my name on it. I honestly had lost track of all the wagers I was involved in, but they just added another level of fun to the weekend.
I pulled into Dry Fork Campground excited to get together with friends and meet some internet buddies in person. Never actually meeting Brian and Todd (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot) or Dave and Tim (Tardy Rooster) hadn't prevented me from exchanging friendly taunts across Facebook and blogs. Actually, I guess my only "contact" with Tim(e) had been advocating that he be saddled with Luke's accidental misspelling as a nickname, but like a foolhardy toddler, SuperKate knows no strangers.
It's a little intimidating to meet people who know you only by your own (self-created) reputation. I try to be the real me on my blog, but I'm definitely funnier on paper than in person. I wouldn't say I was worried about it, but it was on my mind. That said, I'm not a good enough actress to pretend to be cool, so they were stuck with the real me, take it or leave it.
I can only imagine the ulcers Bob and Luke developed when they arrived at our planned headquarters at Pine Ridge Campground only to see it overrun by Bushcrafters, but the nearby Dry Fork Campground was a great alternative. Cramming 15ish people into the one remaining site resulted in enforced (and very enjoyable) community...and the irony that our posse of mountain bikers, who would spend much of the next day cursing horses and their riders for the damage they do to our beloved trails, was staying smack in the midst of an equestrian campground.

We stayed up later and drank more heavily than perhaps is wise before a race, but luckily this was a non-race. Hanging out around the fire was a blast. Brian did his best to pin down exactly what my end of the WTF bet would be, and I put plenty of pressure on Chuck by assuring everyone that my choice of partner virtually guaranteed me a victory. There were many stories and much laughter around the campfire until the party broke up around midnight. Turning my phone to airplane mode to save the battery, I caught a rare signal and was able to see Todd's sweet good luck wishes on my Facebook wall.
I obviously hadn't had enough to drink because I had a terrible time falling asleep. Instead, I laid in my tent (that's right, Jill...TENT!) shivering and listening to snoring in stereo, which itself wasn't so bad, except it reinforced the fact that someone else was able to sleep. I dozed on and off, but at the sounds of the first tent zippers I was wide awake and pondering the eternal question: do I have to pee badly enough to get out of this sleeping bag?
Despite getting a cold-assisted early start to the day, no one was in a big hurry to get moving for our 9:00 start. Luke and Bob headed to the other campground pretty early, and the rest of us slowly got breakfast and gear together. Emma, Derrick, Chuck, Lori, their boys and I were the very last ones to leave the campground, a mere 10 minutes before the pre-non-race meeting. Even so, we weren't the last ones to arrive at Pine Ridge; that distinction belonged to the boys of WTF, who got lost on their way to the race.
We got our maps and clue sheets, and I wandered around aimlessly while Chuck looked them over and figured out what was what.
I'd have been in so much trouble on my own.
As Luke and Bob went over directions, I looked around and realized I only knew who about half of the people were. Probably my biggest disappointment of the race was not managing to actually meet everyone, which sounds silly, but it's one of the things I was looking forward to after seeing all the names and comments on the Virtus blog and Facebook page.
Our late arrival precluded social hour, though, and now it was time to non-race.
The race started with a short run to the bikes, and then a marked bike leg to spread everyone out before the trekking leg. My sprint was hampered by Brian's grip on my pack, though, and I'm sure he gained miliseconds on my there. We jumped onto the bikes and flew towards the trail. We had a 1:30 cut-off to finish the initial bike plus trek, and as we rode Chuck asked me, "Do you have a watch on?" And neither did he.

Chuck usually races with Robin. They're a well-established and successful team, and since they've been partners since around 2007 they have their routine down. Chuck navigates while Robin is in charge of time and tracking distance. I brought none of these skills to the table, not even a watch. On the other hand, our initial trip onto the trails wasn't marred by my typical beginning-of-ride tentativeness.
I chased Chuck down the singletrack and into one of the fields I remembered from last year's race. Still not a fan of riding through fields, I was working hard to keep up with my partner and not at all looking at where we were going. I managed to pass Brian with an evil laugh right before riding through a cow gate...and promptly toppling over right in front of him. To his credit, while he laughed he did not ride over me as threatened on the internet.
The singletrack past the cow gate got rough, and I managed to fall over yet another time. This early in the race, and we were already pushing and lifting bikes...this could be a long day. As we made our way across a creek and prepared to push our bikes up the steep hill I remembered from last year's race, Bob came running up behind us: "You guys are seriously way off course."
It sounded like a mean prank, but it was unfortunately true. The thing about a marked course is that you actually have to follow the markings, and when the lead rider missed one, I think everyone else rode pell-mell after him. Unluckily for the leaders, they flew through the area before Bob could catch them and had to figure out the mistake on their own. We got back on track and climbed over the first barbed wire fence of the day.

Much of the race was held in the Mark Twain National Forest, and since cattle are allowed to graze in the pastures there, we had numerous fences to cross during the day...not to mention plenty of cow patties to avoid.
The next stretch of singletrack was worlds better than our off-course route, but it was still a challenge for me. I walked some of the trickier spots (and some that weren't so tricky, but the wimpiness that had been absent earlier had found me). Behind me on the trail I heard Adam call, "That better not be a Virtus jersey slowing things down!"
Walking down a rocky drop, I saw Chuck waiting ahead of me. "I bet you rode that, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I flatted on it," he answered. Not just a flat, but he gashed the sidewall of his tire. While he set about putting a tube in the tire, I pulled out a GU for him to use to boot the tire. It was my first experience with peanut butter GU, and I was definitely taking one for the team, because I'm not a fan. We watched almost the entire pack pass us up while Chuck changed the tire, a much quicker process thanks to an extra CO2 cartridge courtesy of Josh from Team Wahoo.
Tire fixed, we headed back onto the trail again, and I began what was to become a daylong conversation with myself. Robin could ride this...Robin wouldn't be walking this...Robin would be faster...I bet Chuck forgot how slow I am on the bike...he must be really glad I couldn't do that race next month... I'm a word class ignorer, but somehow I can't tune out that little voice in my head. The last stretch was smooth and fun, and I was very glad to hear voices ahead of us in the woods signaling that we were almost back.

We pulled back into the campground at 10:04, 54 minutes after we'd left and right in the middle of the pack. Of course, some of that pack had ridden significantly farther than we had, but still. It was going to be a long race.

We made a quick transition to the trek and ran out of the campground. Yeah, ran. Chuck made me run. I need to work on getting my pack adjusted better so it isn't bouncing around, but I was happy to be moving faster and catching up with some of the people ahead of us. We passed Steven, who was out on his first (I think) experience navigating solo, and then we caught up with Travis, Adam, and the WTF boys at the pasture.
Travis was moving at about the same speed that we were, so we ended up hanging together. He and Chuck were right on with their navigation, and I was asking questions so that I was hopefully learning something. "What's our plan?" "What are we looking for?" "So is that a ridge?" Steven caught up with us in the pasture. He was struggling with the map and asked if he could kind of hang with us. The whole time he did, he was asking questions and following where we were on the map, so he was doing just what he needs to do to get better. It doesn't teach you much of anything to follow blindly along (Kate).

Rather than bushwhack through the forest, we stuck to the fields as long as possible. It was nice catching up with Chuck and Travis, getting to know Steven a little, and meeting Kelly Sumner of Offroad Fixation, who I knew by reputation only. We cut from the fields into the woods towards our first trekking CP.The area we were racing in is just beautiful. Not necessarily a lot of epic views (though there were some of those), but beautiful nonetheless, and I know that the guys picked out some highlights for us to see.
While Chuck and I were officially racing as a 2-person co-ed team, we actually had a third racer accompanying us. My nephew's first grade class is reading Flat Stanley, and he had sent his Flat Stanley across town to me. Rather than tell his class about their own town, I decided to take Stanley adventure racing.
The next CP was in a creekbed, and after I marked it we snapped a quick team picture.

We headed back across the pasture until we reached the pond from last year's mystery event, and then we climbed more barbed wire into the forest again.
The only time we hit a minor snag in our navigation was looking for the waterfall CP. We came at it from above and had a great time scrambling down the steep sides into the creekbed and then pulled up before we found our spot. That meant clambering back up and hiking along the top before we finally found the right spot and making our way back down.
Unfortunately, despite some rain earlier in the week, the wet-weather waterfall wasn't running. Fortunately, unlike some of the other teams, we never saw any snakes. I'll take that tradeoff.
After that last trekking CP we headed back to the campground and the bikes. There was a 1:40 cut-off to get to the there and a stiff penalty for being late, so while we had a comfortable amount of time left we didn't want to take any chances. Unfortunately, our chosen route put us at the top of a steep downhill.
Chuck and Travis went first, and then Steven and I followed. It was a lot of fun...once I was safe at the bottom.
This misplaced confidence endured despite my status as a solo racer and well-documented navigational woes, facts which in no way dissuaded me from indulging in some friendly smack talk.

My cockiness was in no way commensurate with my skill, but I like to think that's part of its charm. After all, trash talk you can back up is just bragging, right? I made this bet fully expecting to lose, but then Chuck decided to race and suggested teaming up. Since Chuck is a kickass navigator and his presence would completely change the spirit of our competition (the absolute certainty of me losing), I checked with Todd first to make sure he'd be OK with the change.
Todd didn't mind, and somehow Chuck's participation resulted in me becoming entangled in more bets, so I headed west on Friday with a target on my back and a banana cream pie with my name on it. I honestly had lost track of all the wagers I was involved in, but they just added another level of fun to the weekend.
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Multiple bets going on here |
I pulled into Dry Fork Campground excited to get together with friends and meet some internet buddies in person. Never actually meeting Brian and Todd (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot) or Dave and Tim (Tardy Rooster) hadn't prevented me from exchanging friendly taunts across Facebook and blogs. Actually, I guess my only "contact" with Tim(e) had been advocating that he be saddled with Luke's accidental misspelling as a nickname, but like a foolhardy toddler, SuperKate knows no strangers.
It's a little intimidating to meet people who know you only by your own (self-created) reputation. I try to be the real me on my blog, but I'm definitely funnier on paper than in person. I wouldn't say I was worried about it, but it was on my mind. That said, I'm not a good enough actress to pretend to be cool, so they were stuck with the real me, take it or leave it.
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Several of the tents at our site |

We stayed up later and drank more heavily than perhaps is wise before a race, but luckily this was a non-race. Hanging out around the fire was a blast. Brian did his best to pin down exactly what my end of the WTF bet would be, and I put plenty of pressure on Chuck by assuring everyone that my choice of partner virtually guaranteed me a victory. There were many stories and much laughter around the campfire until the party broke up around midnight. Turning my phone to airplane mode to save the battery, I caught a rare signal and was able to see Todd's sweet good luck wishes on my Facebook wall.
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Clearly I wasn't alone in the trash talk aisle. |
I obviously hadn't had enough to drink because I had a terrible time falling asleep. Instead, I laid in my tent (that's right, Jill...TENT!) shivering and listening to snoring in stereo, which itself wasn't so bad, except it reinforced the fact that someone else was able to sleep. I dozed on and off, but at the sounds of the first tent zippers I was wide awake and pondering the eternal question: do I have to pee badly enough to get out of this sleeping bag?
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Nobody's moving too fast, and everyone wants to be by the fire. |
Despite getting a cold-assisted early start to the day, no one was in a big hurry to get moving for our 9:00 start. Luke and Bob headed to the other campground pretty early, and the rest of us slowly got breakfast and gear together. Emma, Derrick, Chuck, Lori, their boys and I were the very last ones to leave the campground, a mere 10 minutes before the pre-non-race meeting. Even so, we weren't the last ones to arrive at Pine Ridge; that distinction belonged to the boys of WTF, who got lost on their way to the race.
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Brian and Todd do the adventure racing walk of shame |
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Chuck works with the map... |
I'd have been in so much trouble on my own.
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While I'm interviewed by the competition (Brian of WTF) |
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Derrick gets things together while Bob and Luke fill us in on non-race details and Lori takes pictures |
As Luke and Bob went over directions, I looked around and realized I only knew who about half of the people were. Probably my biggest disappointment of the race was not managing to actually meet everyone, which sounds silly, but it's one of the things I was looking forward to after seeing all the names and comments on the Virtus blog and Facebook page.
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Some of the 23ish non-racers: Josh, another Wahoo, Steven, Allie E, Brian, Todd, Allie W, Dave, and Stephen |
Our late arrival precluded social hour, though, and now it was time to non-race.
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Pre-race game faces, all except Todd, who looks like he's already visualizing pie-in me. L-R: Justin, Allie, Stephen, Kate, Chuck, Todd |
The race started with a short run to the bikes, and then a marked bike leg to spread everyone out before the trekking leg. My sprint was hampered by Brian's grip on my pack, though, and I'm sure he gained miliseconds on my there. We jumped onto the bikes and flew towards the trail. We had a 1:30 cut-off to finish the initial bike plus trek, and as we rode Chuck asked me, "Do you have a watch on?" And neither did he.

Chuck usually races with Robin. They're a well-established and successful team, and since they've been partners since around 2007 they have their routine down. Chuck navigates while Robin is in charge of time and tracking distance. I brought none of these skills to the table, not even a watch. On the other hand, our initial trip onto the trails wasn't marred by my typical beginning-of-ride tentativeness.
I chased Chuck down the singletrack and into one of the fields I remembered from last year's race. Still not a fan of riding through fields, I was working hard to keep up with my partner and not at all looking at where we were going. I managed to pass Brian with an evil laugh right before riding through a cow gate...and promptly toppling over right in front of him. To his credit, while he laughed he did not ride over me as threatened on the internet.
The singletrack past the cow gate got rough, and I managed to fall over yet another time. This early in the race, and we were already pushing and lifting bikes...this could be a long day. As we made our way across a creek and prepared to push our bikes up the steep hill I remembered from last year's race, Bob came running up behind us: "You guys are seriously way off course."
It sounded like a mean prank, but it was unfortunately true. The thing about a marked course is that you actually have to follow the markings, and when the lead rider missed one, I think everyone else rode pell-mell after him. Unluckily for the leaders, they flew through the area before Bob could catch them and had to figure out the mistake on their own. We got back on track and climbed over the first barbed wire fence of the day.

Much of the race was held in the Mark Twain National Forest, and since cattle are allowed to graze in the pastures there, we had numerous fences to cross during the day...not to mention plenty of cow patties to avoid.
The next stretch of singletrack was worlds better than our off-course route, but it was still a challenge for me. I walked some of the trickier spots (and some that weren't so tricky, but the wimpiness that had been absent earlier had found me). Behind me on the trail I heard Adam call, "That better not be a Virtus jersey slowing things down!"
Walking down a rocky drop, I saw Chuck waiting ahead of me. "I bet you rode that, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I flatted on it," he answered. Not just a flat, but he gashed the sidewall of his tire. While he set about putting a tube in the tire, I pulled out a GU for him to use to boot the tire. It was my first experience with peanut butter GU, and I was definitely taking one for the team, because I'm not a fan. We watched almost the entire pack pass us up while Chuck changed the tire, a much quicker process thanks to an extra CO2 cartridge courtesy of Josh from Team Wahoo.
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That's the smile of a girl who knows she'll be hiking in a few minutes. |
Tire fixed, we headed back onto the trail again, and I began what was to become a daylong conversation with myself. Robin could ride this...Robin wouldn't be walking this...Robin would be faster...I bet Chuck forgot how slow I am on the bike...he must be really glad I couldn't do that race next month... I'm a word class ignorer, but somehow I can't tune out that little voice in my head. The last stretch was smooth and fun, and I was very glad to hear voices ahead of us in the woods signaling that we were almost back.

We pulled back into the campground at 10:04, 54 minutes after we'd left and right in the middle of the pack. Of course, some of that pack had ridden significantly farther than we had, but still. It was going to be a long race.

We made a quick transition to the trek and ran out of the campground. Yeah, ran. Chuck made me run. I need to work on getting my pack adjusted better so it isn't bouncing around, but I was happy to be moving faster and catching up with some of the people ahead of us. We passed Steven, who was out on his first (I think) experience navigating solo, and then we caught up with Travis, Adam, and the WTF boys at the pasture.
Travis was moving at about the same speed that we were, so we ended up hanging together. He and Chuck were right on with their navigation, and I was asking questions so that I was hopefully learning something. "What's our plan?" "What are we looking for?" "So is that a ridge?" Steven caught up with us in the pasture. He was struggling with the map and asked if he could kind of hang with us. The whole time he did, he was asking questions and following where we were on the map, so he was doing just what he needs to do to get better. It doesn't teach you much of anything to follow blindly along (Kate).

Rather than bushwhack through the forest, we stuck to the fields as long as possible. It was nice catching up with Chuck and Travis, getting to know Steven a little, and meeting Kelly Sumner of Offroad Fixation, who I knew by reputation only. We cut from the fields into the woods towards our first trekking CP.The area we were racing in is just beautiful. Not necessarily a lot of epic views (though there were some of those), but beautiful nonetheless, and I know that the guys picked out some highlights for us to see.
While Chuck and I were officially racing as a 2-person co-ed team, we actually had a third racer accompanying us. My nephew's first grade class is reading Flat Stanley, and he had sent his Flat Stanley across town to me. Rather than tell his class about their own town, I decided to take Stanley adventure racing.
Our next trek through the fields took us past a bunch of cows. There were several calves chasing each other around. It was really cute, and I mentioned that they reminded me of puppies playing together. Travis disagreed, "You don't spend much time on farms, do you, Kate?"
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The cows gave us pretty wide berth, but I was still glad to get past this guy and his horns |
The next CP was in a creekbed, and after I marked it we snapped a quick team picture.

We headed back across the pasture until we reached the pond from last year's mystery event, and then we climbed more barbed wire into the forest again.
The only time we hit a minor snag in our navigation was looking for the waterfall CP. We came at it from above and had a great time scrambling down the steep sides into the creekbed and then pulled up before we found our spot. That meant clambering back up and hiking along the top before we finally found the right spot and making our way back down.
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Getting down this wasn't too bad until I got to the vertical part. Then it made me a little nervous."] |
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Steven hiking up the creekbed as we look for the elusive waterfall CP |
Unfortunately, despite some rain earlier in the week, the wet-weather waterfall wasn't running. Fortunately, unlike some of the other teams, we never saw any snakes. I'll take that tradeoff.
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The picture doesn't really reflect what a cool spot this was. Big dropoff behind me. "The last time we saw Kate she was marking the CP...""] |
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Keep in never reflect just how steep hills are."] |
Loved your pre race game face!
ReplyDeleteTHAT was some wild and craaaazzzyyy water slide ;p
I love the adventures you took Flat Stanley on. What a great idea! That guy gets around but the adventures he goes on can be pretty boring compared to the one you took him on.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the percentage of men to women in these races you do?
My moron friend's bets have escalated to the point where the loser was taking out ads in the newspaper to explain how unworthy he was. Video pie would have been sweet.
ReplyDeleteAlso, nothing beats a baked potato. I live off them during ironman training. Boil new red potatoes, roll them in pretzel salt and they fit perfect in the back jersey pocket. I eat them like an apple.
Nice day!
You seriously do the COOLEST shit.
ReplyDeleteLOVE all the smack talk - it makes the actual event so much more fun!
(and fyi - you are 100% badass - stop that bitch of a little voice in your head - she don't know shit. just sayin')
this made me want to be you when i grow up. wow. you are awesome.
ReplyDeleteand i'm totally switching sports if i can carry a baked potato in my pocket. LOL
this made me immediately stop reading to copy it into my quotes widget: "for once I turned off the self-preservation font that my thoughts are typically written in." but i came back. because you rock.
A tent? WTF, Kate...are you becoming a real camper or something now? I am sooo proud of you. Now haul your mt. bikey butt over to Colorado and let's do some tent camping together. Or a nice hotel with a warm shower and posh pillows!
ReplyDeleteCongratulation, I think that is, by far, your longest blog post. :)
What an adventure. Seriously, I don't know where you find these fun friends, especially all the guys. I must live in too competitive of a state...there isn't anything that fun here. When you move to Colorado, you are in charge of all fun activities!!!
What an adventure! Loved the videos, especially the waterslide shots!
ReplyDeleteAgain in my neck of the woods and again I missed it. Geez, we'll never get this thing organized! Loved the pics, video, and super awesome sportsmanship all around!! I agree - want to grow up to be you. :)
ReplyDeleteKate, I'm calling you out. This is so untrue:
ReplyDelete"I'm really slow getting restarted ... I was like a lead weight dragging the team back....however frustrated the guys may have been with my slow progress..."
You are a smart, tough, bad-ass, adventure racer and nothing but fun to race with! Nobody was frustrated with your progress, it was more like; "Yep, she's got that hill beat too, I better get moving cause she's right on my ass again."
I'm thinking it's going to be SuperBadassKate from now on.
ReplyDeleteI was disappointed, however, in the Bushcrafter link - I imagined a group of hobbyists creating lifelike bushes using living models. Oh well.
You left out the part where we all rode up to everyone lifting their bikes over the gate that you let us know opened. Haha, I wish that was that easiest mistake made that day!! I'll be seeing you around other races, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have had a clue if I hadn't encountered those gates at last year's non-race, Allie. And I definitely hope to see you around. We need more adventure racing girls!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even remember coming up with the title to this post, so you could've gotten away with stealing it. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for non-racing. It wouldn't have been the same without you there.
The only thing lacking in this non-race report is a photo of the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot boys needlessly climbing over the cattle/horse gates. Other than that, it's another great write-up!
See you at Cedar Cross... Oh wait. Never mind.
Holy CAC! WHo is the photojournalist on this escapade? I love the action shots! If you haven't already, you NEED to apply to go on the Amazing Race.
ReplyDeleteYou need to give lessons on taking photos while racing - all your reports make me feel like I'm right there beside you!
ReplyDeleteGreat job Kate! Sounds like you had an awesome time except for a few bouts of self doubt. Those bouts are mental toughness challenges and can be harder than the physical ones. Since you didn't give in, those bouts made you stronger mentally. You just keep getting stronger and stronger. What's next?
ReplyDeleteThe stuff you do is HARD. And I'm glad I read Chuck's comment because I had a feeling you were too self-deprecating. The water slide....awesome.
ReplyDeleteMy kids are "reading" (being read) Flat Stanley right now, too. I love the Stanley pictures. Maybe I'll do something similar the next time I'm allowed to race.
Anyway, congratulations! Being tired might have had something to do with that snoring that kept you up the night before....
What can i say? Wonderful, amazing, interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou are more than SuperKate.
You are living unbelievable adventures, I am envious (but in a good way).
I wonder how many photos you have to remember and to see again all these great moments of sport.
Congrats SuperSuperKate.
I already got a new camera. I got the same one I have but upgraded. I have liked it - esp. the timer! Don't think I could live without one. I stopped at Target on the way home since we don't have one and there was a Best Buy next door. Quickest sale they ever made.
ReplyDeleteYour race reports (and non race reports) are always really cool. Enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteKate you are a kick butt chick, Chuck told me you did awesome, and you give me way too much credit, I'm not that good or fast. You guys had so much fun, I want to slide down the hill and the waterfall with you. I can't wait until next year.