M.O.R.E. or less day 8 - Hog Island State Forest to Jack Pine Lodge
June 8, 2021 Hog Island State Forest to Jack Pine Lodge - 72 miles I slept hard, woke to the sounds of water hitting my tent, internally groaned. I'd been happy to have avoided rain so far; still, we could hardly expect our weather luck to last forever. After organizing the gear inside my tent I steeled myself to quickly pack up in the rain, only to be happily surprised. The sound I'd heard was just water dripping off the trees. The tents were no less soaked than if it had actually rained, but it was better to load up in a damp fog than a shower. 6:50 a.m. We would spend day 8 entirely off the MORE route. We had two goals: get to the night's accommodations before Jacob's volleyball match started and put ourselves in position to rejoin the route the following day. We rolled out of camp just after 7, hitting the highway in a cold, dense fog. All the taillights in the world wouldn't have reassured me, and mine was none too bright. This is safe. This is fine. 7:51 a.m.