God cares about my knees

File this one under answered prayers. Literally.

I've started and stopped running a few times in the past 9 months or so...partly because I keep getting this bug that, since I'm all into cycling, maybe I could become a triathlete. A very slow triathlete, to go with my very slow cycling. A few weeks ago at dinner, my sister-in-law asked me if I wanted to run in a 5K race with her. It sounded fun.

I started using the Couch to 5K program I'd heard several of my friends mention on facebook. Because I have a brother and several friends who are runners, I know how important it is to have good running shoes, but due to our financial circumstances, there's no way I could spend $100 on a pair of shoes. My knees are always a concern for me since knee surgery for a volleyball injury some ten years ago, so I prayed about it after Bible study a couple of weeks ago. Feeling somewhat silly, I prayed, "OK, God...I'm believing You for a pair of running shoes. If I'm supposed to have them, I trust You to provide them."

Even with my plain old clearance running shoes from Kohl's, things were going pretty well until last Tuesday. After an uneventful run, my left knee started really bothering me and swelled up. Frustrated, I took some time off.

Thursday, I was talking to a friend about running. Since we're facebook friends also, she had seen my posts about my progress. I was showing her my knee, and she told me that her daughter, who recently took up running as well, had told her that the most important thing is a good pair of shoes. "I know," I told her, "but I just can't justify spending $100 on a pair of shoes with the expenses we have right now. My plain old shoes will just have to do for now."

And then she told me, "You need some good running shoes. Pick some out, and I'll pay for them. Go to a good running store." My first instinct, of course, was that she couldn't buy me a pair of shoes...but I also felt that this was the answer to my prayer. I asked, and God provided through this wonderful person. She even emailed me that night and reiterated her offer and what I should look for in the shoes, and she brought me an envelope with money for the shoes the next day.

Yesterday, I went to a good running store, was fitted for shoes, and chose the pair that fit and felt the best. And they cost exactly sixteen cents more than what she gave me.


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