Turns out I'm spoiled

I don't think that I take my husband, family, or general living situation for granted, but I've definitely developed a new appreciation this week for how easy I typically have it.  Jeff's out in California with N for a volleyball tournament (BTW, N's team tied for 3rd overall, beating the #1 seeded team and losing a close match against the #4 seed) while I stayed here at home with D. and J. Being as I don't work, you wouldn't think that my workout schedule would have been affected much...at least, I didn't think it would.  Boy, was I wrong.

Jeff left Tuesday of the red week.  I will grant that the blue week was maybe a little overboard; opportunities just kept presenting themselves.  Still, quite a difference.  Having Jeff and N both gone deprived me of two potential "babysitters", leaving only D who's gone quite a lot between two jobs and an active social life.  My only run after Jeff left was on Wednesday, when I ran along with J to the Y, and Saturday's bike ride was courtesy of J's attendance at a birthday party.

Yes, I could have probably arranged things a little differently during the red week, but J isn't a big fan of the day care room at the Y (kids are all little) or hanging by the gym while I work out. I wouldn't be comfortable leaving him alone either asleep or awake while I ran in the neighborhood.  It was OK for an isolated week, but if this was my permanent situation, I'd definitely have to do some serious arranging in order to maintain regular training.  Like I said, I have a new appreciation for how easy it typically is for me to do what I want to do...and I'll sure be glad to see my husband tomorrow night!


  1. I understand where you're coming from...sometimes (at first) I"m excited to see my hubs leave for a trip..but it's short lived because not only does he handle a lot of things around the house but he is pretty in tune to my emotions and talking me off ledges!! LOL not literal ledges but emotions ones!

    good luck with your training!

  2. yep, lack of sitters can make it tough. Enjoy your time with him while he wants to spend time with you.

    You could also use this as an excuse to buy a bike trainer. You can watch a movie with your son while you ride. If you do, make sure to get a couple fans to blow air on you. It's incredibly hot riding a stationary bike.

  3. I hear ya on this. My husband travels a TON and this makes things very tricky for me when I am training for something. I'm always having to hire sitters, ask the neighbor, skip workouts and I eventually discovered the gym child care for desperate times. :)

  4. You are right! It takes these small reminders to help us remember how very fortunate we are to have such a great support system around us that allows us time for ourselves. So priceless!

  5. I have a feeling if you needed to do this all the time, you'd have it all worked out already :) Nice to realize how lucky we are though.

  6. As the morning unwinds, this little voice in the back of my head has been trying to coax me out of my morning run. After reading your schedule, I'm putting on my shoes.

    I'm so glad you prioritize your health. So many of us women don't and it's such a shame. It's not about wedging into our schedules, it's about working our schedules around us. So important.

  7. I definitely remember those days of trying to cram things in around who was home to watch the kids, very difficult at times. Good job sticking with it though and finding solutions...it's important to us who must get our workouts in!! :)

  8. I have no idea what I would do as a single parent. I'm sure that I wouldn't be training for a 1/2 IM. Maybe some people can do it, but without my husband I'm in a spot!

  9. Oh, you don't work ... you lucky girl! No doubt, there is an obvious difference in your training weeks. However, after looking at either one of your training weeks, I have come to the conclusion that if I ever see you at a race I'm not going to try to keep up with you! :)

  10. I went way overboard last summer, it hurt my family. Taking it much easier this time around. Good luck! It looks like you are swimming and biking as well as running. Awesome!

  11. You have just made my day. I thought I was just lazy, but working out with kids athome is not very easy..... You still kicked my ass regardless....

  12. I see two very different schedules!
    Good luck with your training.

  13. You know the old saying, "You don't know what you got til it's gone". While I'm sure you did NOT take them for granted, you got a little reminded of how much you appreciate them. Not a bad thing. And, the red week won't affect you in the long run.

    Interesting, you've had a visitor from Azerbaijan and he/she viewed your blog for 23 hours, 52 minutes. Hmmmmmmm


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