My garden
We've had a vegetable garden for the last several years, and it has never done too well. Something about the fact that I'm not good about watering it...Well, this year I was determined to do better. Luckily, all this rain we've been getting has kept my garden in good shape. I've only had to use the hose a few times.

Tomatoes are doing great!

Hopefully this will be turning red soon? I love red peppers, and they cost twice as much as the green ones. You can see the pumpkin blossom in the picture, too.

Here's the whole garden. We need to expand it next year. And make sure not to inadvertently plant any more pumpkins!! On the left are the onions, which I think are ready to be dug up.

It remains to be seen if I harvest enough to make it worth the effort in planting and weeding the garden. So far, my yield is 3 cherry tomatoes and some basil and oregano. haha. A master gardener I'm not...but I'm working on it!
This year, I planted tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, broccoli, spinach, basil, and peas. Had a volunteer oregano plant. Don't know <i>what</i> happened to the peas. Got a little spinach. The tomatoes and herbs are going strong, and I <i>think</i> the onions and garlic are about ready to harvest. And volunteer pumpkins have taken over the garden!! That's what happens when you don't make sure your compost gets hot enough. Haha.<p></p>
Here are some pics from the garden.
An onion flower...Tomatoes are doing great!
Hopefully this will be turning red soon? I love red peppers, and they cost twice as much as the green ones. You can see the pumpkin blossom in the picture, too.
Here's the whole garden. We need to expand it next year. And make sure not to inadvertently plant any more pumpkins!! On the left are the onions, which I think are ready to be dug up.
It remains to be seen if I harvest enough to make it worth the effort in planting and weeding the garden. So far, my yield is 3 cherry tomatoes and some basil and oregano. haha. A master gardener I'm not...but I'm working on it!
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