Please excuse my absence...

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I had every intention of going to the "Welcome New Members" union party after school Friday, I really did.  I was even disappointed that I would only be able to stay for a short time because I had a baby shower later in the evening.  I had even made an appetizer to bring.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to attend.  I think that once you see the picture, you'll understand, and even appreciate, my absence. 

RIP, favorite jeans

R.I.P., favorite jeans. (Pun somewhat intended). Despite my heartbreaking loss, I do intend to be at work tomorrow. And yes, because I know some of you are thinking it, it may just be time to go on that diet!


  1. I've SO done that!! What a great picture! =)

    Thanks so much for checking in on me... I was just thinking today that it's been awhile since I've done a blog so... one will be going up tonight!

    Thanks for your prayers and know that I've been thinking of you and praying for you as well. I love my "bloggy" friends!



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